Darrell's Survivor Collection
Nicaragua Autographs
Posed with Survivors
Pulau Tiga Autographs
Outback Autographs - 1
Outback Autographs - 2
Africa Autographs - 1
Africa Autographs - 2
Marquesas Autographs - 1
Marquesas Autographs - 2
Thailand Autographs
Amazon Autographs
Pearl Islands Autographs
Vanuatu Autographs
Palau Autographs
Guatemala Autographs
Exile Island Autographs
Cook Islands Autographs
Fiji Autographs
China Autographs
Micronesia Autographs
Gabon Autographs
Tocantins Autographs
Samoa Autographs
Heroes vs Villains Autographs
Nicaragua Autographs
Redemption Island Autographs
South Pacific Autographs
One World Autographs
Philippine Autographs
Group Autographs
Autographed Upper Deck Cards
Cuties collection
Lindsey is awesome!
Love that Kimmi
Future Suvivor Hotties
Survivor events - 2002/03
Survivor events - 2004
Survivor events - 2005
Contact Me
About me
I didn't see KellyB at the Finale, but the other 19 signed my cast photo.
Alina Wilson
Alina Wilson
Brenda Lowe
Brenda Lowe
Chase Rice
Holly Hoffman
Holly Hoffman
Jane Bright
Jane Bright
Jill Behm
Jimmy Tarantino
"Purple Kelly" Shinn
"Purple Kelly" Shinn
Matthew "Sash" Lenahan
Na Onka Mixon
Na Onka Mixon
Tyrone Davis
Yve Rojas
Alina Wilson
"Benry" Ben Henry
Brenda Lowe
Chase Rice
Chase Rice
Dan Lembo
Holly Hoffman
Holly Hoffman
Holly Hoffman
Jane Bright
Jimmy Johnson
Jud "Fabio" Birza
"Purple Kelly" Shinn
Marty Piombo
Na Onka Mixon
NaOnka Mixon
Shannon Elkins
Wendy DeSmidt
Yve Rojas